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— E-Drill Guides —

These are for the current E-Drill 2.0 Systems. Black and orange machines with part numbers starting with “CP2” (CP2-SY-111)

E-Drill 2.0 User Guide

E-Drill 2.0 Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide


— S-Blaster —

S-Blaster User Guide

S-Blaster Quick Start Guide 



— Archived E-Drill Guides (E-Drill 1.0) —

These are for the older E-Drill 1.0 Systems. These are the yellow and gray machines with part numbers starting with “CP1” (CP1-SY-111 through CP1-SY-175)

E-Drill 1.0 User Guide

E-Drill 1.0 Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide

(Obsolete Systems) E-Drill User Guide
CP1-SY-001 through -031

Keyed Insert & Keyed Stud Removal Guide

E-Drill Quick Start Guide

E-Drill Quick Start Guide – French

E-Drill Quick Start Guide – German

E-Drill System Fill Before Use Guide


— Vacuum Flush Head Locator —

Vacuum Locator User Guide 


— Technical Documents —

E-Drill Fastener Specific Removal Instruction

E-Drill Design Features to Prevent EDM Damage to Aerostructures

E-Drill Damage Rectification Process

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