E-Drill Status Lights

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The Status Light communicates various conditions during operation. The status light effects are as follows:

Solid Green light upon cut completion – Cut was successfully completed.

Solid Green while operating the retract button – Electrode is fully retracted.

Flashing Green upon cut completion – Cut was completed successfully but the electrode needs replacement before next cut. The system is disabled until electrode has been replaced and fully retracted.

Solid Red upon cut completion – Cut was completed with errors. Either the trigger was released before reaching depth, or the cut took excessively long. Which condition occurred will be reported by the Touch-Screen Display. Likely issues causing slow cutting include:

  • The head of fastener was not de-painted adequately
  • Wrong fastener type was programmed on the terminal
  • The electrode is loose

Flashing Red (at any time) – An error has been identified, system is disabled. System error will be displayed on the Touch-Screen Display. Typically, the flashing red indicates a low water level, and a Top-Off needs to be performed. The system is disabled until the water level is restored.

Note:   Solid lights are informational – The unit is still operational.
Flashing Lights require user intervention – Unit is disabled until the condition is resolved.