Checking Vacuum and pressure

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The system is provided with Vacuum and Pressure gauges to check the performance of the Dielectric water system. Vacuum and pressure may be checked in Advanced Mode (see Appendix 1) or from the maintenance screen (see Section 3.4). It is suggested that this check be carried out monthly or when inferior performance is suspected, per the following specifications:


  • Vacuum:

Connect the vacuum gauge with the blue hose to the vacuum port on the back of the MSU. From the advanced screen in the System menu, press the Vacuum Pump button to run the vacuum pump. The indicated vacuum should slowly rise (approximately 5-7” Hg) in approximately 60 seconds. Do not run the vacuum pump past 9in/hg.


Press the Vacuum button again to turn the pump off. Vacuum should hold or degrade slowly over 30 seconds (approximately).


  • Pressure

Connect the pressure gauge valve kit with the black hose to the pressure port, and the blue hose to the vacuum port on the back of the MSU. From the advanced screen in the system menu, press the DI Pump button to run the pressure pump. With the valve closed, the indicated pressure should quickly rise to 110 PSI ±5 PSI.


Press the Pressure button again to turn the pump off. Open the valve to relief the pressure inside the lines. Take care when disconnecting the gauge in case the line is still pressurized.


If either of the above specifications are not met, visually inspect the water tank system and visible tubing for damage or leaks. Also check the lid/cap seals are in-place and not damaged. Contact PPedm Customer Service Hotline (714.891.6533) if there are no obvious problems.